19 August 2011


I can still hear the words
Rolling and echoing
Around in my head
Like a clap of thunder...

09 August 2011


Never makes the mistake of thinking
that you can tame it!

28 July 2011


As the teal water
Brushes onto the sandy seashore,
The cool and refreshing color
Seeps into the pores
Of the warm summer sand.

25 July 2011


Be accepted as I am.
Despite all that it says,
For better or worse,
Constantly working twice as hard,
Life leaves me no other choice.
I am the ace and not the king.

Be accepted as I am.
With the strength and smile,
Raise his head, puffed out his chest,
Constantly working twice as hard,
Life leaves me no other choice.
I'm ace which beating king!

28 June 2011


A shower of tears can do nothing
the drought of some hearts